Monday, October 2, 2017

Final day in Ghana

We spent the morning with the PCG at their offices which are located in the central part of Accra.

After meeting - we walked around the corner and let the LWW group take a look at the Salem water plant the PCG had built to bottle water. Salem is the enterprise (water, banking, etc.) that the PCG started a few years ago to help their churches, schools, etc. to obtain water at a price that allowed the church, school, etc. to spend more funds on other needs.

The one Ghanaian we had not seen this trip was Sammy - a PCG driver that we have had for the past several trips. However, that changed when we were able to connect with Sammy via phone and link up with him for a short "hello" and a reminder from Sammy that the score was 1-2 when Ghana played the US recently in soccer.

We left Sammy and were able to get a little tourist shopping done before grabbing lunch at Frankie's where many of our group left he Ghanaian culture of food behind and dined on burgers, pizza, quesadilla and the like.

As the sun began to set we made it to the airport to begin our journey home.




We had a lot of this yesterday to/from the Cape Coast area..

A little tourist adventure

We left Akropong after the celebration and headed to El Mina Castle on the east side of Cape Coast - a 3.5 hour drive.

I think the group really had a good experience at the castle (look in the 2015 blog for my posts on El Mina). The castle was built around the mid 1500s and had been inhabited by the Portuguese, Dutch & British. The castle was one of the slave castles along the coast that were used for holding and loading points for slaves. it's a very moving and important experience.

Celebration of Living Water

Yesterday the celebration of the education and installation of the LWW water treatment system at Akropong-PCE took place. We had a service in the old chapel and then moved to outside the water room for a formal dedication.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Better pic of “hands on fire”

Tailgating in Ghanaian

We cooked for our Ghanaian friends that have taken care of us so well during our stay at the Guest House at Akuapem Presby in Akropong. We located a grill and rounded up the items for a nice kabob, pasta and fish dinner topped off by Shari Gross' Bread Pudding.

Chalmers chopped the wrong peppers and her hands got saturated with burning hot pepper juice!!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

PCE Educators Practicing

Before some of the 3rd year teaching students leave for their practical experience, the 102 Educators for PCE pulled them for one more opportunity for the PCE 102 EDucators to practice being Instructors.

Final day in Ghana

We spent the morning with the PCG at their offices which are located in the central part of Accra. After meeting - we walked around the c...