Thursday, September 14, 2017

Getting Packed Up & Ready

Heading back to Ghana - this time with a enough folks from Living Waters for the World (LWW) and Idlewild Presbyterian Church (IPC) to field an American football team - 11.

This year we are embarking on something special and unique.  LWW is going to conduct a Clean Water U Instructor Training session in Ghana for Ghanaians.  In addition, IPC is going to install a LWW water treatment system at the Presbyterian College of Education in Akropong, Ghana.

Just in these two pargraphs, there are about 10 future posts - so I'll save the details, background & stories for those posts.

Traveling on this trip to Ghana are "seasoned" Ghana veterans Jim Levernier, Shari Gross, Forrest Gross, Chalmers Valentine and myself.  The LWW Clean Water U Instructor Training specialists joining us on this trip are: Kendall Cox, Dan Terpstra, Joanie Lukins, Dave Parks, Stephanie Young and Ralph Young.

We leave at the end of next week - we'll keep you posted.

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Final day in Ghana

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