Monday, September 25, 2017

Preparations underway....

The group is preparing the rooms for the Clean Water U Instructor Training (IT) session that begins this afternoon with an opening ceremony at 5:00 pm. The ceremony will honor the covenant that is being signed between the PCG and LWW. The clerk of the PCG will be attending along with all the participants in the Clean Water U IT session and of course the LWW team.

Here are some pictures of all the preparation work being done earlier today to ready the 102 classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers lift with you as the opening ceremony soon begins! Thank you for your hearts, your hard work and your collaborative spirit with our Ghanaian brothers and sisters. -- SY


Final day in Ghana

We spent the morning with the PCG at their offices which are located in the central part of Accra. After meeting - we walked around the c...