Friday, September 29, 2017

Idlewild & PCE-Akropong

Starting yesterday around midday, the training and work shifted from the Clean Water U Instructor Training session to the installation of a LWW water treatment system at the Presbyterian College of Education (PCE) - Akropong.

I have written about Idlewild's intent to put a LWW water treatment system at PCE in several previous Ghana trip blogs - please look at those for intent and history.

This morning, PCE & Idlewild updated the Systems Management Plan (SMP). We collectively signed the first version of the SMP on the last visit to Ghana in November 2016. Today we updated that version of the SMP with a few changes to the PCE Water Committee (names & signatures) and we identified the Lead Educators and System Operators (names & signatures).

Several of the LWW instructors and other Ghanaians attended the review and updating of the SMP as "observers".

These are pictures of the PCE Water Committee, PCE Water Committee & Operators, and the larger PCE Water Committee and LWW group.

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