Thursday, September 21, 2017

Packing Day

The Friday travel group is confirming one-by-one that they are getting packed up.

We are taking quite a bit of materials and supplies to teach (train) the Clean Water U Instructor Training (IT) session - probably taking more than we need. More about Clean Water U IT in later posts.

Delta airlines provided a waiver of some of the checked baggage requirements/fees given that we are traveling on a humanitarian mission.

All the trunks are labels and numbered. The red straps are a little "safe than sorry" item in the event the trunk wants to pop open. Each trunk has a cable tie to secure the latch and extra cable ties that can replace a cable tie that gets cut in the event airline security wants to inspect the inside of the trunk - btw each trunk has its own color cable tie....

The contents of each trunk has been cataloged/recorded so that we know 1) what items are located in what trunk, so we are not searching for something; and 2) in the event a trunk gets delayed, we know what we are without for a period of time.

Jim provided me with the "handy-dandy" hand scale to help me measure the weight of each trunk. Delta does want the trunks at 50# or below.

Today - have to get my personal bags packed!!

Tomorrow - Travel Day!

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